Home > Manchester Street Index > Smedley Lane

Smedley Lane

Smedley Lane is a lane in North Manchester with a small number of businesses , primarily nursing homes.


Beechill Nursing Home

Beechill Nursing Home is a retirement home providing residential and other facilities for senior citizens.

Address: 51 Smedley Lane, Manchester, Lancashire, M8 8XG

Daire Lodge

Daire Lodge is a retirement home providing residential and other facilities for senior citizens.

Address: 3 Smedley Lane, Manchester, Lancashire, M8 8UJ

Hamer Plant

Hamer Plant is a firm of engineering consultants offering a variety of engineering solutions.

Address: Smedley House, Smedley Lane, Manchester, Lancashire, M8 0LU

T K Kennedy's

T K Kennedy's is a turfing company which supplies and lays a range of garden turf.

Address: Hazelbotton, Smedley Lane, Manchester, Lancashire, M8 8UJ

Temple Bank Residential Home

Temple Bank Residential Home is a retirement home providing residential and other facilities for senior citizens.

Address: 7 Smedley Lane, Manchester, Lancashire, M8 8UJ


Temple Primary School

Temple Primary School is a school which teaches kids a variety of academic subjects.

Address: Smedley Lane, Manchester, Lancashire, M8 8SA


Map showing Smedley Lane in Manchester.
