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Brierley Avenue

There are a number of places called "Brierley Avenue" in Manchester. Brierley Avenue, Failsworth and Brierley Avenue, Whitefield


Brierfields Residential Care

Brierfields Residential Care is a retirement home providing residential and other facilities for senior citizens.

Address: Brierfields, Brierley Avenue, Failsworth, Manchester, Lancashire, M35 9HB

Failsworth Upper & Lower School

Failsworth Upper & Lower School is a school offering education across a range of academic subjects.

Address: Brierley Avenue, Failsworth, Manchester, Lancashire, M35 9HA

Laurel Childcare

Laurel Childcare is a childminder offering childcare services in their own home.

Address: 26 Brierley Avenue, Failsworth, Manchester, Lancashire, M35 0RG


Map showing Brierley Avenue in Manchester.
