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Brazil Street

Brazil Street is a street in central Manchester with a small number of businesses.

Brazil Street also has the following useful amenity: a pub - Edem Bar.


Buro Four Project Services

Buro Four Project Services is a project management company which offers a range of advice and services to help clients achieve specific goals.

Address: Amazon House, 3 Brazil Street, Manchester, Lancashire, M1 3PJ

Business In The Community

Business In The Community is not-for-profit organisation in which volunteers work towards a good cause.

Address: Amazon House, 3 Brazil Street, Manchester, Lancashire, M1 3PJ

E Mesrie & Sons Ltd


Address: 3 Brazil Street, Manchester, Lancashire, M1 3PJ

Edem Bar

Edem Bar is a bar which offers a large selection of alcoholic and soft drinks.

Address: 3 BRAZIL ST, Manchester, Lancashire, M1 3PJ

J M Clayton & Co Ltd


Address: 3 Brazil Street, Manchester, Lancashire, M1 3PJ


The Blyth Gallery

The Blyth Gallery is an art gallery which displays and deals in a range of different works of art.

Address: Amazon House, 3 Brazil Street, Manchester, Lancashire, M1 3PJ


Map showing Brazil Street in Manchester.
