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"Amazingly accurate every time"

A review of Avrils Fortunes by Barbara written on Thursday 30th of May 2024


From the minute you step inside her cabin Avril impresses with her absolutely accurate readings and relaying of messages from loved ones in spirit complete with names,dates and places.Its so heartwarming and very therapeutic.Her tarot cad predictions are spot on,unravelling as the days and weeks(and sometimes months) go by.Her connection to the spirit world is indisputable and unquestionably authentic.Over the years I have been to see her many times and I am so grateful that there is no long waiting list…you just show up ….and you get to see her there and then,easy to find in the food court at the Trafford Centre.Always reliable,always informative.A truly positive experience..

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Avrils Fortunes

Map showing Avrils Fortunes on Trafford Centre