A review of Jardine Lloyd Thompson UK Ltd by Elsa Whelan written on Monday 23rd of October 2017
It has been over a year since I started proceedings for the pension payout after my husband's death. And, to date, nothing has happened apart from my making many expensive international phonecalls which resulted in my receiving several conflicting messages but no financial resolution.
Many aspects of this situation are very annoying but two in particular stand out. These are that during this time, I have received no monthly payments and that 2 weeks ago, I was informed that I HAD been paid out, in full, in April of this year. (THIS HAS NOT HAPPENED!.
I have called the company but have had no response yet.
My feeling at this stage is that I should involve an Ombudsman and I would appreciate it if someone could let me have contact details for this person.
Thank you,
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