A review of Glendene by Steve whittington written on Sunday 18th of May 2014
I was a Glendene between November 78 to May 79. I can not recall all the people there. However Staff wise I recall the following names: Alan Evens (I/C), Stewart Cosgrith 2nd I/C And a guy called Jim 3rd I/C. Phil Lingard was a team leader. Other names include: Della Wall, Jill, Janet, Adrian (who was 6'6")Vicky, Debbie Storey, Dave, Sue (Brown, I think) and a night staff member called Caroline. There may have been others but names escape me, Blame it on the passage of time! Some of the kids were: Mark Whitby (Now Deceased)Sharron, Paula Haley, Diane Newman, Richard Hallowell, Ifticar (Not sure I have spelt it right.), Paul Dross, Denis (aka Mr Funk).
Denise spencer, There may have been a Denise during my time, however with this being nearly 40 years ago, it is impossible to remember every one. after leaving Glendene I went to Highleagh children's home in Crossacres not too far away. I have looked on Facebook with some uncertainty as to who I would be looking for. I am on Facebook but do not have a public profile. However my email is : sevets01@sky.com , I have now left Manchester and have not been back for over a decade. Does any one recall any of the names given?
I have read on this site (Glendene) that this site will be bulldozed later this year. Sad to learn that another building that I have fond memories of will be biting the dust. We are far too wasteful with buildings. How long before we realise we do not have a bottomless pit of clay, cement and the likes!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What is this building being used as now and when did it cease being used as a children's home??.
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