A review of PDSA Pet Aid Hospital by J.fagan written on Tuesday 18th of September 2012
My ex partner died 1 week ago age 33 of cancer. our 2 girls moved in with me 7 weeks ago and we love our dog age 13ish. on thursday i took china (our dog) into pdsa manchester for tooth problems due to age her teeth are prity bad. on this visit she was diagnosed with a tumor thaton friday after scan i was led to believe may be on her uterus womb and spine. i was given a choice to opperate on her there and then but with an option she may be put down. i couldnt say yes to this as she seemed fine and i wasnt ready to say good bye on that day. over the weekend she went really bad on sunday night i spent the night on the floor holding her. monday morning i took her for the op. these amazing people stopped our tears of woe and saved our china. so from the bottom of our hearts we say thank you so much and i pledge to help in any way i can from here on in. you and cancer research. again THANK YOU SO SO MUCH..
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