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"Fair & Honest MOT station"

A review of Hart Road Service Station by Cat Ballou written on Thursday 14th of July 2011


I have been driving 53 years and have had cars tested in different parts of the country and have had some pretty bad experiences with MOT testing stations looking for repair work so when friends at work said there was a good place in Fallowfield it was worth a try.

I have taken about 26 cars to be tested there over the last fifteen years (generally our two cars each year) and have always been very impressed with the diligence of Eddie the tester. Our cars have not always passed first time but I have never disagreed with the testing results and there is no agenda of failing cars to get repair work.

This is as honest and fair an MOT Test Station as you could wish to get and with friendly service the only way you could fault it is that there is not as big a discount on the standard fee as some places but apart from a few quid these the best in my experience..

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Hart Road Service Station

Map showing Hart Road Service Station on Hart Road
