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Reviews of Reeds Professional Dry Cleaning And Alterations

On this page you will find reviews of Reeds Professional Dry Cleaning And Alterations. If you would like to add your own review, please do so using the Add a Review button.


6 people have reviewed this business

  • Suit by Peter

    Service was great. Maria the young lady on the desk was fantastic and spent good time altering my su... More»

  • Captains Blazer by Roland Willott

    Had a badge sewn onto my blazer as the new captain of Davyhulme Park Golf Club, they have made an ex... More»

  • Expensive dress ruined following alteration by Mollypops

    I had an expensive dress turned up which should have been a simple job but they managed to ruin it b... More»


    They altered a dress for my daughter and it is now ruined and can't be put right. The side seems at... More»


    They altered a dress for my daughter and it is now ruined and can't be put right. The side seems at... More»

  • Always perfect by John

    Use Reeds all the time , always first rate service and speed second to none , no matter who serves a... More»

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